How can I create a group?

  1. Click on Groups in the menu and then on + Create new group (on mobile it is the plus sign at the bottom right).
    If you do not see this button or plus sign, you do not have the necessary rights to create a group in your community. In this case, please contact your admin or your contact person in the project team. 
  2. Choose a name for the group.
  3. Choose whether your group should be open, closed or private. 
  4. Read more here: What is the difference between open, closed and private groups?
  5. Then you can choose the category under which the new group should be displayed.
  6. Click on the + Create button to create the group. If you have not filled in all the fields, you will receive an error message.
  7. Your group has been created.

You can find out how to add a description to the group here: How do I add a description to a group?